How Much Money Do You Need to Move the Bitcoin Market? | by Ishtiaq Rahman | Archie.AI

Whale Science 🐋

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  1. A lot more extensive analysis is required before any conclusion can be drawn from this. In future, I’d like to look at different time cycles besides one minute and include a lot more data than just the one minute I picked on a random day to do my calculations. However, this simplified calculation does give us some idea about the sensitivity of the market.
  2. It would also be interesting to look at how this “whale-effect” has changed over time.
  3. I assume it was much cheaper to move the market when Bitcoin had a substantially smaller number of hodlers. I also do not doubt that it will get progressively more and more expensive to be able to move price.
  4. This may sound counter-intuitive but Bitcoin needs a lot more whales and deep pockets. It is relatively easier and cheaper for a whale to influence the market if there are not enough other big players. But with a lot of whales in the market, a single whale no longer has the same influence. For reference: There are 2,043 billionaires worldwide (Forbes) and 35 million millionaires worldwide (Credit Suisse)
  5. This is not meant to be a financial advice. Please invest responsibly.

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